Long Distance

Monday, May 7, 2018


I do so wish I had delayed the last post a little longer, but I had no reason to think we were going to jump in this new direction today.
A while back I mentioned I was considering no longer sessioning with new-to-me clients. I could link to that entry here, maybe I will edit & add that later. It's late, I'm nearly out of smokes and planning on quitting tomorrow, not tonight.
It's been on my mind for some time. It's a huge risk. I love huge risks. But truthfully I would have stood on this cliff for a really long time, maybe forever. I debated this already in the entry I am not linking to now. I do enjoy seeing new clients. New-to-me and total noobs are equally cool once they're in my dungeon. The never ending advertising, screening, and the god damn dick pics I have to weed through from wankers & time wasters to get to the actual subs, that's the part I could do without. That's the part that sucks my time, annoys me, puts me off my lunch and really, enough already.
I'm not doing it anymore. 
Effective immediately. 
Did I really scare you there? Don't panic you silly little mutes. I stood on this high risk cliff for over a month because I was certain there must be a way that I can avoid all that noise & bullshit and still see new submissives. It presented itself tonight.
Princess Gemini Enterprises has been debating what to do with our Wednesday parties for some time now. I talked them up in the last entry, the one I wished I had delayed posting. Every word was absolutely true, still true even. Omitted was the part that Wednesday parties as they were are unsustainable. The decision to drop our price and do one price for all was made earlier. That alone was a brilliant idea. Maybe that alone would have changed things, but that wouldn't have lead to me making the announcement I made above. Without being a part of the behind the scenes of a party, the way this ties together may not be readily apparent. Stay with me, you don't have to see the way it all ties together you can just trust me that it does.
We will now be hosting a $10 Wednesday party every week. The whole crew will not be necessarily be present every week. We will each choose which weeks we wish to be part of the party and we (or at least I) will do it based on what we have planned. At Wednesday parties I will no longer be engaging in performance scenes, I will be offering private, mini sessions. This will be the ONLY  route to a full, one on one session with me for the foreseeable future if we haven't sessioned together before. My tribute will be greatly reduced, as will the list of potential themes. Both to be determined shortly. You will contact me before Tuesday if you wish to be considered for a Wednesday session, we will have our time together and if I wish to see you again we will arrange a one on one at my dungeon. I will no longer need to do excessive screening as you are coming to a public venue. I will not require a deposit, as I will not be going out of my way to go to my dungeon for a sub who may get cold feet. I suppose as a woman on the internet, my inbox will remain a landing spot for unwanted, gross dick pics but now I can delete without opening! If I don't have an ad actively running and an email has an attachment, I will know you are just a random wanker & not a hopeful subbie sending a simple candid photo so I might know who I am sessioning with. You may enjoy the rest of the night at the party just like any other party, there will still be vendors, a DJ, and bar. Other crew members may opt to do performance scenes as they wish and Princess Gemini has several other great ideas that will be introduced over the next few weeks.

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