Mistress is in a mood. Mostly my mood is great. I am tackling my Sunday To Do List, my goal list is 95% checked and a new week starts tomorrow. We all remember that Monday's are my very most favorite day, right?
There's just this small part of my mood that wishes to poke a really sharp pencil in the eye of someone deserving of a pencil in their eye. I play Tori Amos Waitress in these moments. Truly, I believe in peace bitch. I do. But fuck you, you are annoying me and I can not suffer to be annoyed by a pain in the ass like you for another moment. I'll feel bad as soon as I stab you with the aforementioned pencil and then perhaps I can pity you and go back to being kind to you. I believe in peace bitch. The you in this case is just some random nobody on Fetlife. It could be a random nobody that pops into Chaturbate or Instagram or Wal-mart. You, random nobody are not allowed to be a pain in my ass. You are not allowed to ask me if I like it.
I love what I do. Listen I know in top mode all the dommes say, read my profile in it's entirety. Do not contact until you have read xy & z. I have said similar before. It is certainly helpful, and shows good manners if you do. But it is not really needed. You're busy? I get it, I am busy too. A quick scan, she offers impact play, she offers sounds, and she's in my area, perfect where's the contact information. I am perfectly OK with sessions that begin that way. I know that even if you only quick scan my profile, my ad, one entry here on my blog, whatever- one quick scan of anything I sat at the keys & penned will convey what I think is most important in a professional interaction. I love what I do. I am sincere, I am candid, and I am articulate as a mf'er. If you don't hear the respect I have for the community, if you can't hear the reverence that I hold for the scene, if you don't hear the love I have for my calling- you need to have your vision assessed.
Do I like it? There is one person on the planet who is allowed to ask me if I liked a thing related to BDSM. You are not him. Do you like this is a perfectly acceptable question for a Top to ask a bottom. I ask bottoms all the time if they like a thing. Anyone else, anyone presenting as a bottom, sub, slave, etc, asking should recognize how gross of a question it is, how thick with entitlement it is. You're not really asking if I like this activity, you're asking if I liked doing it with you. How dare you question me. I told you I love what I do, that statement does not imply anything positive or negative about how I feel about you. Nor does it need to. Do you ask your hair dresser if she likes cutting your hair? A hairdresser is an artist, called to a profession that's both emotionally and physically demanding. We can reasonably assume that every hair dresser on the planet loves what she does, but she might think you're an ass. If you ask if she likes it, she probably thinks you're an ass. Let me try again. Do you ask the emergency room doctor, the one you threw up on while she was arranging your broken arm for an X-ray if she likes her job? She loves her job. She should. She saves people. She helps people through emergencies. She is a God, and she is compensated well for it. And there are parts that are dangerous, dirty, and emotionally draining. There are times she doesn't like it. Their are patients who are rude, demanding, and ignorant; if she is a professional she treats them with compassion and kindness, but it is perfectly OK if she doesn't also like them.
Truthfully, I also like my job. I probably like you. I recognize that your faux pas are probably simply your unfamiliarity with protocols. Your poor manners, your bad breath, it is OK. We all have our shortcomings. We are sadly usually blind to them. Let me show you, correct you, guide you, gently, into a more pleasing being. Let's make you the best version of yourself. It is going to be messy. It might be emotionally draining. It will probably hurt. We might not like it. Let's do it anyway.
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