Long Distance

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Girls Girls Girls

A few months back I did a Q&A with slave allan that included a question about sessioning with women. At the time I replied, honestly, I had barely any experience sessioning with women. As a professional offering one on one sessions, I simply rarely had inquiries from women. Over the years I contemplated why that was many times. Is it that women do not frequent the places I advertise? Is it that my ads are not welcoming to women? Is it that women are simply not inclined to see a professional dominatrix? I suspect all of those play a part. It has always bothered me. It isn't about who I am most attracted to, if that were the driving force behind the sessions I agree to I would only see subs who have a mouth like David Bowie's or bear a striking resemblance Maggie Gyllenhaal. My dissatisfaction about not sessioning with women was that I know I offer an amazing experience, and I wished to share that with those of my gender too.

Hmm, these all look like female people to me. There are many things I love about working for Princess Gemini Enterprises. One of the things I love the most is that we are an adult company owned  by a woman. Now in fairness, Mista_Jay, Princess Gemini's husband & partner does an incredible amount of work to make our parties perfect too, but it is Gemini who is in the spotlight. It is Gemini who is out, loud and proud, with no apologies, owning that this is her party literally & figuratively. Another thing I love is that our core staff is three men, seven women. That ratio extends out to our contractors and even our vendors. We are a pro-woman, body positive, consent driven, adult business. I don't know how much time you've spent in the adult industry, but in the corners I've visited we are a rarity. 
At the risk of sounding a little new age woo-hoo-y, I believe our guests can feel that the energy of our parties and events is different. I believe the reason I average four scenes with women for every one with a man at our events is because of this different vibe we put off. I love that at every event I am tapped by woman after woman, sometimes shyly, sometimes boldly, asking if I can make some time to flog them. I love that after every event I have emails and texts from the women I have scened with offering feedback, asking question, and thanking me again for the experience I helped them have. Now that I have found the platform to speak to a female audience, women contact me for private sessions now too. Still not nearly at the rate men do, but it's a start. 
We have event coming up this Friday that I am so excited about...
It is for our crew and select female guests. I hope that it is screaming success and becomes a regular event. Our team is filled with women with big personalities, there is nothing snarky in that observation and I am not an exception to it. We have some really amazing projects just kicking off. We have each been keeping an incredibly hectic schedule, and we know it is not easing up anytime soon.  I have had some major upheavals & changes in my vanilla world recently. Our emotions are sometimes very close to the surface and sometimes they bubble right over too. I am not making any apologies for that, our emotional investment in Princess Gemini Enterprises is a testament to how much we believe in our vision. The Girls Night Sleepover should prove to be a chance to move past the minor but jarring bumps we have hit a few times and to kick off spring ready for the best party in New England to be better than ever and go further than before. 

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