Long Distance

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

And I Promisie that I'll Run Away with You

 Guess what?

 Do you give up? You should, it'll help keep the tempo if you give in quickly, k?

If we're blue-bird friends or insta-besties, if you pay me any attention at all, (and doesn't everyone?) you already know. 

Two more sleeps and this Goddess will be half a century! I've been saying I'm almost fifty since like I don't know 45. It seems appropriate to upgrade and call myself half a century now. 

Are you in your 30s? Terrified of aging? Listen, most grown-ups are liars, this shit rocks. 

Okay fine like 2% of this is bravado. Mostly because death terrifies me, not aging. I love my life; I want to do this for a wicked long time, and I notice the clock has likely half run out. But aside from that, aging is so fucking cool. Pay no mind to anyone who says otherwise. 

It's been on my agenda to post for weeks. I mean how else will I hear, I love your blog, if there isn't a new post to love? But I have been soooo busy. There was a vanilla vacation. A couple pictures of Cassidy braving the rope course crossed over, you may have seen them. I jetted up to NH to attend Ela-One's SW'ers Summit this weekend. Then drove home contemplating how fortunate I am to be part of such a vibrant community. Fiona Pup had an ouchie of unknown origin. She's healed but looks quite silly only rocking one bracelet now. I've teamed up with a new-to-me creator, Bailey Wilde. Some teasers have been shared in the usual spots, probably won't have a chance to post the good stuff until after my birthday. 

And most importantly, I have been fully submerged in this lovefest with my top and his new pet/my new playmate, S2. Do you subscribe to that idea that'd be wicked hard to find a 3rd who you and your partner both like, who in turn likes both you and your partner? I did too, turns out, that's why you can't find one- cuz you're all whining about how they don't exist. Shut-up, go have fun and Ta Da, there's your unicorn. Ours rocks. She's a Gemini, of course. She gave me a book. She gave me a personalized book detailing my birth chart. Ya no, take it, I had no big plans for my heart, it's yours. I think you'll enjoy it; it's shown itself to be so resilient. Expect to see full dork moments like long distance dance parties, and for The Cure to be featured far too often in my insta posts.  

This probably needs a more thorough proof and edit. Definitely want to add some pics too. But know what? I have plans, life is short, posting is a top priority, editing is not. 

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