Long Distance

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Kismet and Fate

I love the serendipitous nature of the universe. I find it fascinating, and humbling, to contemplate the precise points where it seems some random, insignificant event altered my path in a significant, life changing manner. 

Did you see the Alchemy post   on Fet? Have you been holding your breath ever since? Breathe silly, nice and slow, I want you fully present. 

So one day, oh I don't know probably 6 months ago, I was scrolling the gram. NBD, just mindlessly killing time. A post caught my eye and sparked my rage. 

It shouldn't have upset me.

A thing can only be truly upsetting if you care about the person saying it or if the insult they're throwing resonates with you, right? Like if you were to say I am the worst baseball player in the world, who cares? I give no fucks at all about baseball, and probably give no fucks about you. 

I didn't know the person who posted it. It was a multi-slide reel detailing why "Unicorn Hunters" suck. If you and your partner only wish to date hot, sane, non-toxic, employed, bi-bitches, you suck and you have "couple privilege".  

According to the poster's detailed checklist, I suck so hard. 

I didn't know the person who posted it. So why did it sting so sharply? 

It really wasn't quite the intended message, but the takeaway I heard the loudest was, I'm not going to find what I want in a new partner because I am too needy, my wishes are too obscure and really at the end of the day, I don't deserve a partner of the caliber I am aiming for. 

Did I quietly reflect on this? Fuck no, I recognized quickly it was a bunch nonsense and dismissed it. To make sure my subconscious was really clear that we were not co-signing such rubbish, I penned a post on Fetlife. The title was, "Un-Ethical Non-Mono Unicorn Hunters", and the vibe was a tongue in cheek post about why you should be flattered if you catch the eye of my top and I. 

How would I have spent last Tuesday if some c--- (oh we aren't saying that word again) on the internet hadn't hurt me in my feelings a little? I love you cantankerous internet stranger. I sincerely hope you are having the best day ever. Because how I did spend my Tuesday was getting to know a hot, sane, non-toxic, employed, bi cutie, with my top.  We were tucked into a little cabin, being watched over by squirrels and, oh it stings to write this, spiders without spinnerets, playing and giggling. Fully committing to following our bliss and living our best lives ever. 

My goals, wishes, fantasies are outrageously unrealistic. The universe delights in granting them all, because I deserve them all. 

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