I have opened and closed a dozen tabs in the past 5 minutes. There's a song on some weird little people show that's repeats it opens, it closes. It has this fun tempo. I have only that tiny snippet of an earworm invading my right labyrinth. I don't think it's enough for Google to cure it. My little people do loosely recall wtf I am talking about, but they don't have more. We can't recall what is opening, maybe it was an umbrella. I'll try that.
Nope that only gave me Rihanna. Imagine Tyler saying something about crackers in bed here.
Why are we opening and closing tabs? Because I'm exhibitionist, but I also value my privacy.
Once upon a time the internet was this anonymous place. Among others, I use to follow this really cool diary-ist (that should be a word) AnonyMouse or something like that, and still I think of her every time I misspell anonymous. I followed dozens of anonymous writers for a decade. I shared, and overshared, in anonymity my life's milestones & minutia with an audience that was primarily closed but could be expanded at my discretion.
There isn't a space like that on internets (misspelling intentional, irony use to be a big thing too). That space actually exists again. We won't get that sidetracked, but I know those people now. Still trust them with my deepest and darkest, but also it's different when you know people.
Give me a second, I need to get my story straight
When I hear John Cougar Mellencamp sing 17 has turned 35, I wish that he would pen another that prepares me for when 35 approaches 50. And I want him to know I appreciated the heads up he gave me at 14.
Oh forfucksake Cass stop. Nostalgia is only fun in small, ironic, doses.